GRAND OPENING: June 6, 2015, 10am to 5pm
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Ensuring Earthquake Safety in Child Care


In a world where natural disasters are a part of life, earthquake preparedness is crucial, especially in environments dedicated to the care and development of young children. We prioritize the safety and well-being of every child enrolled in our daycare program. Our comprehensive approach to earthquake preparedness ensures that all necessary measures are in place to protect our young learners.

Montessori Kids Land Academy in Redlands, California, implements a robust earthquake preparedness plan designed to safeguard children and staff. This plan includes regular drills, staff training, and facility evaluations to ensure we are always ready to respond effectively. We understand that preparedness goes beyond just having a plan; it involves continuous education and practice to ensure everyone knows their role during an emergency.

Our infant center takes special care in preparing the youngest and most vulnerable children for such events. Each staff member is trained in specific procedures to protect infants during an earthquake. We use secure cribs and safety straps to ensure infants are shielded from falling objects and can be easily transported to safer areas if necessary. The physical safety of our infants is paramount, and our preparedness measures reflect this priority.

Both our preschool and infant center in Redlands, California have dedicated safe zones where children can be quickly moved to in the event of an earthquake. These areas are equipped with emergency supplies such as food, water, first-aid kits, and communication devices to ensure we can sustain and care for the children until help arrives or it is safe to return to the main facilities. Regular drills and updates to our safety plans are conducted to adapt to new safety standards and guidelines.

We are committed to the safety and well-being of your children. We encourage parents to reach out to Montessori Kid’s Land Academy to learn more about our earthquake preparedness plans and how they can contribute to safety at home.