GRAND OPENING: June 6, 2015, 10am to 5pm
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Infant Education for my Child: Yay or Nay?


An Infant Center will help raise a long-term effect on a child. With the help of an Infant Program, students will boost their intellectual growth big time. Childcare can be made better.

As the infant begins to converse and talk, their memory abilities will develop rapidly. This is because communicating involves a certain amount of focus from the infant, which assists in the development of memory-related brain cells. Those infants who are able to improve their communication abilities are likely to have superior lifelong memories!

Infants who exhibit an early desire to learn how to communicate via written and spoken language have a higher rate of literacy than those who are left alone at home all day. Since newborns can not comprehend speech & other vocabulary types before they turn a year old, picture books and other visual materials with pictures of familiar objects such as animals and foods are preferable over word-based publications that they cannot read. The colors and the artwork will also help gain their attention & invest more interest in infants. It will also enable them to listen & create beautiful & creative tales that may help them as they continue to venture out through life.

You may set your children up for long-term success by enrolling them in a Montessori Infant and Preschool Education in Redlands, California that emphasizes the development of their motor, sensory, and linguistic skills.

Montessori Kid’s Land Academy is a Preschool and Infant Center in Redlands, California that will enable our children to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to realize their greatest potential.

Table Manners Are Important for Children


Every meal may be a chance for children to practice good table manners. Little children may learn how to be courteous and exhibit table manners by using their utensils properly and waiting until everyone has been served. Montessori Kid’s Land Academy, a trusted preschool and infant center in Redlands, California, helps practice kids how to learn table manners in an encouraging and fun way.

The educators and staff in our preschool in California are consistent with teaching children. We teach children that dining should not begin until everyone has been seated and served because it can be impolite to begin eating before everyone has been seated. Food is intended to be shared.

Two basic laws of excellent table manners are chewing with your mouth closed and not talking when your mouth is full. If children forget, the educators, carers, and staff in our infant center will gently remind them.

Children in our Montessori Preschool are discouraged from eating with their hands, with a few exceptions, such as pizza, and hamburgers, especially if they have progressed beyond finger foods. We show them how to correctly handle their fork.

The best thing is children get to learn all this in fun and loving environments, such as our Montessori Infant and Preschool Education in Redlands, California. To enroll your little ones, please schedule an appointment with us.

Montessori Preschool: Hands-On Learning


At Montessori Kid’s Land Academy, a highly recommended preschool and infant center in Redlands, California, we involve child-directed, practical learning experiences for your little ones. In the middle of the day, you’ll find students studying at their own speed on concrete floors, behind tables, and attending to plants or to things they want.

Regardless of how many activities are going on at any given moment in our childcare center, each kid is immersed in their adventures. In the Montessori method, children learn best when their discoveries are not confined and are completely encouraged.

Traditional preschools frequently lecture to children, which does not engage young minds fully. A genuine Montessori Infant and Preschool Education in Redlands, California promotes authentic learning through the use of engaging and hands-on activities.

This entails engaging in multisensory experiences in a Montessori preschool and infant center. Children form clear connections with their curriculum and are given opportunities to explore their acquired knowledge.

Because of the personal links they formed in our early childhood programs, the discoveries they discovered tend to stick with them deeper than if they were spoon-fed the knowledge through textbooks.

Our teachers and staff value the environment, learning, and welfare of every learner. If you are looking for a preschool that can positively and appropriately provide an excellent learning experience, then enroll your child here! Don’t hesitate to contact us for further information.

Essential Practical Life Skills


No matter their age, all of us want our children to succeed in life and be ready for every circumstance they may face. And while some practical life skills may not be covered in early childhood programs, they are nonetheless crucial for your child to possess.

You can try to educate your child on how to take care of themselves at any age. Our Montessori Infant and Preschool Education in Redlands, California, offers some tips below:

  • Awareness
    As part of your childcare routine, you can teach your kids to take responsibility for their actions, to be conscious of their environment, and to be observant of others.
  • Organization
    By assisting your child in keeping their home, workplace, and school belongings orderly, you may teach them the value of an organization. They will be able to complete tasks more quickly, and they will learn how to work more effectively every day as a result.
  • Honesty and transparency
    To their friends, family, teachers, and other adults in their life, our kids are continually learning the act of integrity. Teach children how to be open and honest with everyone they encounter in order to succeed in life.

These are just some of the many important life skills our preschool and infant center in Redlands, California, has laid out for parents and children to start with. Your young ones will learn more as they grow, and they will become more responsible and more equipped for the future as they get more knowledge.

If you want to learn more, please reach out to us at Montessori Kid’s Land Academy. Our infant center is more than happy to help you out.

Improving Writing Skills for Children


Writing is a crucial component of early childhood education and a key form of communication. However, in today’s technologically advanced society, there aren’t many opportunities for children to practice and develop their writing skills. Because of this, many parents are left wondering how to help their children become better writers as a result.

Fortunately, there are lots of things parents can do at home to support their children’s writing progress. As a preschool and infant center in Redlands, California, we’ll walk you through some tips below:

  • Encourage sending letters
    One may think writing letters is a bit old-fashioned, but this practice is still common in many early childhood programs. Loved ones who live far away will particularly like receiving handwritten letters, and it’s an excellent method to help kids develop their writing abilities.
  • Designate a writing area
    Create a little space in your home that is solely dedicated to writing. Your child will be less likely to be distracted if they have a space that is just used for writing, which will allow them to concentrate on honing their writing abilities.
  • Integrate common interests
    Perhaps your child’s favorite book series. Connect all of their interests to writing. You can ask your kid to write a brand-new short story with some of their favorite characters.

Need help in honing your young one’s skills? Get in touch with Montessori Kid’s Land Academy today. Our Montessori infant and preschool education in Redlands, California, is dedicated to meeting your child’s needs.

If you want to learn more about our infant center, please do not hesitate to give us a call.

Montessori: Life Skills Embedded in Personal Learning


The Montessori Method is a specific child-centered education method involving child-led activities. Montessori teaching is often taught in classrooms with children of varying ages and teachers encouraging independence among their pupils. This was developed in the early 1900s by Dr. Maria Montessori.

Dr. Montessori believed that children learn best when they choose what they want to know. This is a type of philosophy that our Montessori preschool also follows. A typical Montessori classroom at Montessori Kid’s Land Academy consists of the following:

  • Students select from a variety of activity stations throughout the day, such as preschool level life skills, arts and crafts, science, math, sensorial development, language and writing skills, cultural studies, music, geography, and preschool level biology and cosmic education.
  • Instead of manning the front of the classroom, teachers move from group to group.
  • A non-traditional grading system
  • A focus on the development of the whole student, taking into account their social, emotional, intellectual, and physical needs.

Our preschool and infant center in Redlands, California, provides a variety of lessons and activities within our Montessori Kid’s Land Academy curriculum. We make sure that each of our students gets to explore and learn as much as they can without limits.

Aside from that, our classroom environment provides opportunities for self-correction. The children at our Montessori infant and preschool education in Redlands, California, learn from their own mistakes and improve their judgment while doing the activities that interest them the most.

A Montessori classroom basically helps children learn life skills that are essential to their growth. Not only will it help them right now as children, but their learnings at our infant center will also guide them as they mature and dive into career and advanced education.

Give your child the Montessori advantage today! Visit us at 31587 Alta Vista Dr., Redlands, CA 92373, or call 909-312-9512/909-794-8530.