GRAND OPENING: June 6, 2015, 10am to 5pm
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Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences: The New Trend


Parent-teacher conferences are now being conducted virtually, with Facetime being a popular choice. This is due to the ongoing pandemic, which has made traditional in-person meetings challenging.

There’s a preschool and infant center in Redlands, California, that knows the benefits of virtual parent-teacher conferences—Montessori Kid’s Land Academy.

Our montessori infant and preschool education in Redlands, California, always conduct parent-teacher conferences in May virtually, which is always done successfully. However, this doesn’t compromise children’s engagement in outdoor activities.

According to We Are Teachers, successful virtual parent-teacher conferences require planning for follow-up as needed, establishing action items that need to be addressed, and cutting everyone some slack, as these types of meetings are new for most participants.

Additionally, virtual parent-teacher conferences are important because they can make a student’s education more meaningful through the partnership between parent and teacher without worrying about the commute or travel time.

Flexible scheduling is also crucial for parent-teacher conferences, as well as for any infant center, as some parents may have difficulty traveling or have multiple jobs. Teachers also need to accommodate their schedules.

This is highlighted by the New York City Department of Education’s Jennifer L.M. Gunn, who explains that teachers need to be flexible when scheduling conferences in order to cater to the needs of parents.

So, if you’re looking for a preschool in California with virtual parent-teacher conferences, look no further than us!

We have an exceptional montessori preschool in the region.

The Social and Emotional Benefits of Montessori


When it comes to early childhood education, most of it is focused on improving children’s cognitive abilities. This includes children’s social development and building emotional intelligence. In a Montessori environment, children learn how to interact with others while developing a sense of independence and empathy from a young age.

As a leading preschool and infant center in Redlands, California, we will discuss the social and emotional benefits of a Montessori education:

  • Build Emotional Intelligence

    Our Montessori infant center helps children develop their emotional intelligence through structured interactions and activities. Constructive activities help young children realize their own personal development and build relationships with their classmates and teachers. This also builds emotional resilience from a young age.

  • Accelerate Emotional Development

    A Montessori classroom gives students the freedom to self-direct their studies. In doing so, they have the opportunity to engage in self-governance, which is crucial in emotional development and encourages children to find internal motivations and helps them accelerate their emotional development.

  • Develop Social Relationships

    In Montessori, children learn how to interact with their peers and other adults besides their parents. This infant program provides a conducive learning environment to develop their social and communication skills, which can teach them how to communicate their needs, as well as their thoughts and emotions, to develop relationships with the people around them.

Montessori Kid’s Land Academy provides high-quality montessori infant and preschool education in Redlands, California. From practical life skills to social development, our curriculum promotes social and emotional development in our young learners. Contact us today for inquiries about our curriculum and programs.

Helpful Tips for Parents with Picky Eaters


When you are the parent of a toddler, chances are you have some challenges when it comes to mealtime. After the rapid growth of infancy, toddlers’ appetites tend to slow down as they develop their food preferences. Hence, picky eating is common among toddlers and can make it difficult for parents to keep up.

As a preschool and infant center in Redlands, California, we will share effective tips to help parents with picky eaters:

  • Keep Portions Small

    Toddlers have smaller stomachs than adults, so they are unable to eat the same portions as their parents at the table. Hence, be sure to offer an age-appropriate amount of nutritious food to your child.

  • Model the Behavior

    Young children tend to copy the behavior of their parents. In addition to enrolling your child in an infant center, model the desired behavior at home. Sit down, eat together, and talk about the food on your plate and how delicious it is.

  • Introduce New Foods Gradually

    When introducing new foods, do so slowly over time and add a little bit more with each serving. This gives your child an opportunity to try the food first and get used to the new texture, aroma, and taste.

  • Eat Together as a Family

    Aside from arranging childcare, share meals together as a family. Use this time to model healthy eating to promote table manners for children. Serve one meal for the whole family and resist the urge to make another if your child refuses what you have served.

Montessori Kid’s Land Academy is a trusted provider of montessori infant and preschool education in Redlands, California. In addition to our high-quality programs, we offer a Montessori curriculum to support your child’s development.

Contact us for inquiries about our early childhood programs.

Raising Awareness Against Bullying Among Toddlers

raising-awareness-against-bullying-among-toddlers defines bullying as unwelcome, hostile conduct with a true or perceived power differential that is meant to make a person seen as the “smaller or weaker one” feel bad about themselves or the act of taking advantage of one’s “weaknesses” and insecurities. It involves making threats, spreading stories, and physically and verbally assaulting someone.

Bullying may negatively affect a person’s overall well-being, but it is especially challenging for a kid being bullied’s mental health. It has been linked to several school shootings, suicides, and attempts to commit suicide among children, teenagers, and even adults.

That is why it is extremely important to raise awareness about avoiding bullying. Campaigns like this should also be conducted not just in High Schools but also even among elementary and Montessori institutions. Bullying can happen anytime, anywhere. By educating youngsters not to bully and to accept people, schools and other educational institutions will foster a constructive social climate.

Create more awareness to end bullying. This action will aid in rescuing a family member, a buddy, and a life.

Bullying may either intensify or be avoided by the efforts of a good Preschool and Infant Center.

You can find a reliable Montessori Infant and Preschool Education in Redlands, California.

Montessori Kid’s Land Academy is a Preschool and Infant Center in Redlands, California, that aims to avoid bullying by guiding young people in developing social skills.

Participation of children in activities through a Daycare Program may help youngsters protect their peers who are getting bullied. Early Childhood Programs like this will help young children be more sensitive to other people’s feelings.

Infant Education for my Child: Yay or Nay?


An Infant Center will help raise a long-term effect on a child. With the help of an Infant Program, students will boost their intellectual growth big time. Childcare can be made better.

As the infant begins to converse and talk, their memory abilities will develop rapidly. This is because communicating involves a certain amount of focus from the infant, which assists in the development of memory-related brain cells. Those infants who are able to improve their communication abilities are likely to have superior lifelong memories!

Infants who exhibit an early desire to learn how to communicate via written and spoken language have a higher rate of literacy than those who are left alone at home all day. Since newborns can not comprehend speech & other vocabulary types before they turn a year old, picture books and other visual materials with pictures of familiar objects such as animals and foods are preferable over word-based publications that they cannot read. The colors and the artwork will also help gain their attention & invest more interest in infants. It will also enable them to listen & create beautiful & creative tales that may help them as they continue to venture out through life.

You may set your children up for long-term success by enrolling them in a Montessori Infant and Preschool Education in Redlands, California that emphasizes the development of their motor, sensory, and linguistic skills.

Montessori Kid’s Land Academy is a Preschool and Infant Center in Redlands, California that will enable our children to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to realize their greatest potential.

Importance of Engaging in Outdoor Activities


At Montessori Kid’s Land Academy, a tried and tested quality provider of Montessori infant and preschool education in Redlands, California, our goal of fostering the learning and development of your children is not only limited to the corners of our facility. We also actively promote a range of activities that provide them with maximum benefits.

That said, we embrace outdoor play and activities here at our preschool in California since they can significantly contribute to children’s health and fitness. For one thing, being outside encourages more unconstrained mobility, which leads to healthy physical activity and aid in preventing obesity.

Additionally, your little ones need to engage in outdoor activities because they can:

  • Contribute to cognitive and social/emotional development

    Unstructured outdoor play teaches children to take turns, cooperate, and acquire other beneficial behavioral skills. Experts say that while children invent and play games with one another, they can enhance communication and teamwork skills, among other things.

  • Improve sensory skills

    A study found that children who play outside daily have a stronger distant vision. Preschoolers, in particular, use their senses to learn about new things, making outdoor activities fundamental in early childhood programs.

  • Increase attention spans

    Children who play outside regularly are more inquisitive, self-directed, and likely to engage with a task for longer periods. Conversely, those who spend most of their time indoors demonstrate a lower capacity to initiate or participate in new activities.

Should you have questions about this or our infant center, we’d love to hear from you.

Gain access to a quality preschool and infant center in Redlands, California, with us today!